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Welcome to TCU! I'm a girl so not exactly sure about how logistics for recruitment goes for the guys, but I can give my opinion on your other concerns. If you have an academic scholarship, I'm assuming grades are important to you. If so, I'd look at Beta, Sig Ep and Pi Kap. These are the frats known for smart guys but they also have very strong brotherhoods and are really involved on campus. These frats have super fun events and mixers but aren't hard core partiers like some of the other frats. They get crap from the other guys because they're gentlemen and care about more than just getting wasted. As far as wardrobe, you see a lot of khaki shorts and sperrys, but a mixture of polo, t-shirts and button downs work. Obviously anything purple is good too! Brands don't seem to matter that much with the guys. Good luck, go Greek and go Frogs!!!
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