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As an alumni of a greek house, I find this board deplorable. Talking about which house is better than the other- who the mean girls are- etc. What is wrong with you girls? You should constantly be building one another up as Greek women. I am embarrassed by this. All houses are equal- PERIOD. There should not be a ranking when the quota is virtually the same for each house. Who the good girls are can be very subjective. Perhaps one house values philanthropy more than they value a Monday night party night. Are the party girls better than the girls that value philanthropy? Picking a sorority is picking those girls you fit in with the best. You live with these people day in and day out for hopefully 4 years. Shame on you girls for talking smack about other chapters this way and ranking them. This is NOT the way young professional women should act. Let's show why being Greek and belonging to not only the Greek system but being in a Sorority benefits women of today. Why not instead talk about the kinds of things each sorority offers rather than who ( using emotional opinion only) is the coolest and most popular. This shows immaturity and makes the Greek system look bad to parents researching the Greek system. I would like to see you act more dignified. In the professional world by the way- you would never bad mouth a competitor. You might discuss the differences of offerings or product, but NEVER would you bad mouth them. This is beneath you girls!
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