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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />why o chi o?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Why does that weird Chi O get on here all the time and repost 14 of her old comments that put them in the top? Does she not realize that people are not that stupid? She can't cite any reasons that Chi O is a top house so she criticizes other houses - mostly Gamma Phi. I'm not in either of those houses but I find myself defending Gamma Phi because they really are a top house and the criticisms she levels against them are obviously silly made up lies. She's made this website all about Chi O and the truth is that they are an ok mid-level house, certainly not the center of greek life at OU like she wants to project on here. No one is reading or commenting on her posts except for herself. She should recognize that OU Greek is not interested in what she has to say.
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