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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />truthful<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Can't hide the facts! In the past 2 years Gphi has won several of the President's Trophy awards. They've placed top 5 in grades since forever and placed 2nd and 3rd just the past 2 semesters. Gphi has made the show twice in Using and placed 3rd just last year. They've placed 2nd in hoco. They've made the show in Scandals. They won the White Rose contest 2 years in a row. Plus they have a girl competing at Miss Oklahoma in june and they have OU cheerleaders. The house is very successful and for anyone to say otherwise is crazy. Don't let the same bitter girl tell you otherwise. After all, Chio hasn't placed in anything recently. The girl doesn't have a thing to say about facts. There's a reason gphi defends themselves with facts (unlike chio)... it's because they're actually a top house.
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