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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />to pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Don't let Chi-O fool you. If we're basing the rankings on popularity with frats, yeah, Chi-O is a top tier house. But if we're basing rankings on the successes of the houses they are not. They haven't placed in homecoming in several years, haven't won any scandals or using shows recently, and haven't won a president's trophy award since forever ago, plus they haven't made top 3 in grades either. If they try to tell you otherwise, it's a lie. Not one time does Chi-O back up why they're a top house. "They just are" doesn't cut it. Instead they spend their time ripping every house apart on here ESPECIALLY Gamma Phi. They will continue to degrade Gamma Phi because they're competition because they HAVE placed in grades for the past 5 years, they won 2nd in homecoming last year, and they placed 3rd in using, along with winning 2 president's trophy awards this year. I say that Gamma Phi is a top house over Chi-O any day if we base it on facts. So ignore the continual rude posts towards Gphi that the same girl likes to spam their board with. Everyone that's greek is sick of it.
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