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Ole Miss is in the enviable position where all groups can be very selective about who they ask to join their houses. Over all, I have never seen a campus with so many attractive, well dressed students who at least on the outside, give the impression they are winners. IMO, some of these posts are clearly trawls looking for a negative response. I also don't think they are from APhis? I don't know girls in every house, but the ones I have met appear to be wonderful, intelligent women who wear their letters well and with pride. I had previously never considered that some of the particularly inflammatory posts might be people with an official connection with GR with an agenda? If this is true, this is not just free hate speech shielded by the perceived shadow of the internet, but is slander and libel promoted by and sanctioned by GR. Don't allow yourselves to be manipulated by people you don't even know with murky agendas. Be the strong, intelligent college women you know you can be. Keep an open mind and try meeting and socializing with some of theses girls and yes, girls from houses that have been labeled lower tiered. These harsh attacks also weakens the entire Greek system, not just the house/houses you are attacking. Ole Miss does need more houses. It will be difficult to attract more groups if you continuously attack groups based on gossip, hearsay and mob mentality!
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