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So you are currently a DDD active at a Northern school and plan on transferring to Ole Miss, and you are wondering if it's possible for you to affiliate with DDD that right? If so, follow @networking's advice. There are so many OOS girls at Ole Miss that being from the North shouldn't have much of an effect on you at all! You could email Ole Miss DDD's President and tell her where you are an active now, that you plan on transferring to Ole Miss and are interested in affiliating with the chapter here if it's a possibility, and that you are so excited about meeting the girls and getting to know everyone. This will let her know to be looking for you. She and other DDDs will probably talk to your current sisters about you, so be sure that you're on really good terms with them (and are paid up with your current chapter). She and others will also likely look at your social media accounts, so make sure that they are interesting but appropriate. When you get here, be sure to get to know and bond with as many girls as possible, get involved with the chapter (volunteer to do things that most girls aren't that thrilled about doing, show up to important events and be supportive, etc), and after a certain period of time, the chapter will vote to decide if they want to accept you as an affiliate. If they decide they do, you will become an active DDD here at Ole Miss. If not, you will be given alum status in DDD. Good luck!
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