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If DDD or Chi O active members have not already reached out to you for a pre-game, lunch date ( prior to new rules), then the chances of you making it back past first round are pretty slim. Yes, it stinks that great out of state girls slip through the cracks of top houses, but there are so many great in state girls with connections that there just simply aren't enough numbers to give girls without connections much hope. On the flip side, if you've been to a pregame or lunch date, you are likely SOMEWHERE on their list even if you're OOS. So if these houses interest you, Rush week will be your time to REALLY express your interest and turn on the charm. KD is difficult without connections as well, but for some reason their alumni don't seem quite as passionate about PMN's as DDD and XO's are so it is generally easier for outgoing, SUPER competitive, cheerleader types from OOS to get invited back. DG is also controlled largely by Alumni, and is a great house, but the amount of PMN's "wanting" DG isn't as high as the previous three mentioned as of late, so it is more likely OOS girls will be invited back if they have outstanding GPA and activities even if their connections are limited. Kappa used to be a relatively safe place for pretty OOS girls with no connections to land. However, after enduring a few years of wilder than average pledge classes, they have made a strong and successful effort to clean up their image. They've become much stricter on grade risks!
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