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Poster Name:
Rebel Informer

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />honest description of each fraternity <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Honest brief description of each fraternity and what direction they are heading in the future. (No particular order). KA: Top, will remain with good pledge class. ATO: UpperMiddle. If they had even half the "history" say Sigma Chi or KA has here they'd be top. Definitely on the rise. Phi Psi: Is and always has been mediocre. Rarely does anything to improve. Will remain meh unless they change something. Beta: Not very good, making some improvements like the Juicy J party but the kids they rush are still weird. Delta Psi: One of the few fraternities that just does their own thing. They're alright and that's all the want to be. Sigma Nu: Yes they're still top, but if they don't improve this years rush then they are on the decline. Half of last years PC were awkward kids that couldn't hold a convo. Phi Delt: Used to be top, but after some weird things last year they are on a huge decline. Phi Tau: Odd mix of guys. Half are cool, and half are strange. Slowly rising. Sigma Pi: Making tremendous improvements, but not quite there yet. Some weird kids but they've improved vastly over the last few years. On the rise. PIKE: remain in the middle but on the decline for some reason. They've lost the flare they used to have. SAE: Huge decline. Kappa Sig: Solid upper middle. On the rise. Sigma Chi: Top. Hot southern guys that like to party. They're at the top of the top right now and just have to have a good rush to remain
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