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The best advice I can give you is to be yourself!! Present yourself well but don't be someone you're not. All of my friends and I rushed freshman year and some of us got bids and some of us didn't but the process worked out for all of us. We are all happy. Trust the process of rush at IU! It works. Have fun with it! Good luck to you and all of your friends! No matter what happens you'll be fine! Also if you get a bid to somewhere that wasn't your first choice, GO to bid night!! I have friends who got their second and third choices and didn't want to go but they went anyway and now couldn't be happier! But if you decide it's not for you, remember you can drop up until initiation. Don't just drop because of a house's reputation. Maximize your options and stick it out to the end because you never know where you might end up calling home for the next three and a half years and for life. Just remember that if every house really lived up to its reputation and was as bad/weird/unpopular as people say then we wouldn't have any greek life to begin with because everyone would drop or nationals would take away charters. Every active who is in her sorority loves it so you should be respectful and give it a chance!! Just have a good time and enjoy the experience! You'll be fine. What's meant to be will be.
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