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Any member of Panhel executive council sees that information and anyone who has access to the RFM report sees that information. Every advisor gets a copy of the final statistics report and most advisors forward a copy to their chapters membership chair. I know our chapter's recruitment team has seen the final statistics. So, wrong or right, a lot more people that you think have seen numbers. If you're in a large recruitment group, you may have also seen someone rank's. Three years ago on my floor we posted our rankings after first round in a group chat. Was it the smartest thing to do? No, but we were freshmen. We did a lot a dumb stuff! :) And girls talk. One of the girls in my chapter had a younger sister go through this year, she sent her sister a pic of all her rankings, even after pref. Girls exchange a lot more info that you first think. I was kinda shocked that girls were so freely sending their ranks thru snap and insta.
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