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Poster Name:
6th year

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />analysis of the top 10 houses on campus<br /><br /> Poster Message:
1. SAE/Fiji- Either of these houses can be argued as being the best but they’re pretty selective and both have amazing houses. Both are gonna be scrapping to be the best next year. 3. SNu- will be good next year and will probably not have to do much to stay in this spot. —————Big gap—————— 4. Pike/Psi U/Theta Chi- all 3 of these houses have a similar quality of guys so they’re lumped together. Though they’ve always been a smart and athletic house, the quality of guys in pike has gone down quite a bit. To regain its past status, they’re gonna need to stop auto-bidding kids who went to certain high schools. Psi U has been on a fast rise this past year and now top sororities like them. They need to build off of the positives from this year and purge the weird kids in their house and get more athletes. The only thing that Theta Chi needs to fix is it’s past rep as a shady house and get more guys that care about school. They got cool and athletic guys but they need to fix this to be a more desireable house. 7. DKE/Delt Sig/Sigma Pi- for sig pi and Delt Sig, it has been a waiting game. Both of these houses had some lame older guys but now that they’re gone, both houses will rise quite significantly. Sigma Pi already has gotten a lot better looking but they just need to keep building off of this. Delt sig needs to do a better job of building a better brotherhood but both of these houses are on a rise and it’s starting to show. The only reason I put DKE here is because I don’t feel like they’re truly the same level of a house that sig ep was as a house last year but I really don’t think that the Sig ep DKE merge truly ruined anything either. All of these houses are moving in the right direction but have quirks they need to fix. 10. Phi Tau- going downhill. Not being able to get a better house after their lease expired was a big mistake. Their quality of guys is great but they aren’t gonna be able to be at the same level as Fiji when they were in that house. If they’re going to move in the right direction again, they need to get more quality guys.
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