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Poster Name:
Scrooge McDuck

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />questions on greek life financial obligations<br /><br /> Poster Message:
What are the most inexpensive IFC Fraternitys to Rush? What are middle priced Fraternitys ? What are some of the most expensive fraternitys to rush? What expenses do dues usually cover? Do dues have to be paid up front? Can fraternity dues be payed off through the semester gradually to the point where you have the full thing payed for? Is there an intital down payment on the dues ? Do Fraternity dues collect interest?' If you maintain a superb Grade Point Average a Semester can your dues be waived ? Does being a deactivated brother mean a brother who is still in the fraternity yet has not payed his dues? If not what does it mean or what in addition does it mean? Is there scholarships to reduce the price of some fraternity dues ? Is there fraternity due payment plans ? Can you pay your dues in cash and or credit? Can you pay your dues by writing a check ? How much of a financial burden are the dues? Do the dues stay the same price what year you are a brother or the more years in do they decrease or increase in price ? Can you explain this price fluctuation? Is working a part time job during pledge term while being a full time student a good idea ? Has anyone ever done this and can give me pointers? Do most people pay their own dues or do their parents pay for them? Is Greek Life worth the Financial Price of Admission ?
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