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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I know many of you are sad, disappointed, pissed, and hurt. For those of you that were truly open to all houses and dropped I sympathize with you. For those who dropped because they didn't like the houses that invited you back I do not feel sorry for you. It is a judgmental process that may seem unfair but it goes both ways. You are judging the houses as hard if not harder than we are judging you. i am hearing it's about who you know and where your from. Not true. Yes some girls who know a lot of girls in the house may get through the first round because of that but reality is it is not that many and they won't get a bid just because of that. Many pnms went into the houses with opinions before stepping in the door. Don't think we can't tell if you really don't want to be there and are just going through the motions. It is a two way street and if you came in only wanting house abc or xyz that was your choice so you can blame the system. If you were open and were dropped try again next year or explore potential cob after bid day.
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