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The MSU system is toxic

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The MSU greek system is toxic and has been for thirty plus years. Once you leave and interact with Greeks from all over the country you realize how bad it is. Look at the comment from the other alum in this thread as the perfect example. The answer is not to bring on more sororities. The answer is for the Greek system to support the chapters that are already there. That is what RFM is for and what is happening at universities all over the country. The point of RFM is to make the weaker recruiting chapters able to compete with the stronger recruiting chapters. There are many schools who can barely keep up with demand because RFM has done what it is supposed to do. But it can't overcome the horrible relationships between the tiers at MSU. As long as the hostile tiers exist at MSU, nothing will ever change. Bringing on more chapters won't fix what is wrong with MSU. MSU has many of the strongest sororities in the country already represented. I would think most of the rest would be reluctant to come to the campus as it exists now. The guarantee of success is way too low to risk the financial and staffing outlay.
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