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Poster Name:
Mary Sue

Poster Message:
Thanks for that quick reply! You must be psychic with the "UM"! You are just slightly off the mark as I'm at Miami-Ohio and my brother is at Mizzou. Long story on why we are thinking about the transfer. Maybe I can help my MSU Theta sisters become a bit less boring. haha. At any rate, my priorities at college do not include being "campus hottie." ;) Not that shallow, but I always try to look good, of course. Looking to make top grades leading to a top career, actually. I love to socialize, as well, and like a large social circle, hence why I went greek. Classy, smart, involved is more of where I am at. Sloppy drunkenness turns me off, off, off. You'll never see me doing the morning "walk of shame." :D Oh, and I hate pretentiousness. That makes everyone not hot but just sad. Wow! about poor Sigma Pi! :( My bro will be disappointed to hear that! They are a strong chapter at Mizzou. He has a friend at MSU, but I think he just pledged Psi U. If you have anything else to add, please do. You've been a great help.
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