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SigEp is a valued partner in education. SigEp sees after having been given ample opportunity to do so, too many fraternities have proven that they are incapable of regulating and controlling themselves. Yes, there will always be rogue chapters who tarnish the image, but the time has now come for universities and colleges to tell them what they can and cannot do. It's not gonna be pretty, and we will probably see a decline in the numbers of some fraternal organizations. Only those that get on board and embrace these opportunities will survive. SigEp knows that the best way to create positive change is to "model the way." SigEp is committed to being a different kind of fraternity – one that recognizes the importance of the out-of-classroom experience and is committed to making that experience the safest and most empowering part of a college male’s life. SigEp is unique in that our brotherhood and all fraternity events are alcohol and substance free by choice. The brothers feel that the brotherhood we are constantly striving to build does not require alcohol to exist. The chapter also works to encourage other fraternities toward abolishing alcohol. Fraternities as they exist now are facing a crisis. Only 11% of students come to campus interested in joining a fraternity. This declining interest has coincided with the fact that members of fraternities are far more likely to drink in excess than the average student. Because our SigEp chapter has a substance-free policy, we recruit better candidates and have stronger manpower than other fraternities chapters that are regrettably still beholden to illegal and dangerous drinking. SigEp is modeling a new way and new future for other fraternities to follow.
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