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You can make it work

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I personally work a parti-time job, go to school and am active in my chapter, I make minim wage and I have enough to pay for my dues if I budget my money correctly. Many chapters have payment plans, some you have to apply for and some everyone is on a payment plan. All the costs for each sorority should be on the ucf pan or ofsl website if you want to go look at them and it lays out what the money is used for kind of. Also another important thing to mention is that some chapters are inclusive while others are not, and this is a question to ask durning recruitment for finance day! For example one chapter might include your shirts for sister hood retreats and philanthropy event, while other chapter may make you pay extra for them. Also some chapters will charge you extra to bring a date to an event, while in others it's included! Don't forget about fines too! Most chapters fine if you miss an event or if you are even late for chapter! So look it for those that don't, you can ask abot this during recruitment as well! I know I dropped houses that I knew I couldn't afford on the first day because I knew I wouldn't be able to stay in that chapter. There are extra fees you can pay (optional) like for shirts your chapter is selling or going to other pan event and big/little gifts. But things like big little gifts can be hand made it hand me downs, you can also save over time to buy these things. who ever said you have to have your hair done, nails done and a tan that's some bs!
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