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Truth is....

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />this greekrank website<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Just wanted to put my 2cents in after reading all of these ridiculous comments and attacks of other sororities. This website is not monitored so anyone can go on here, start rumors, talk ___t and bash each others Sororities while hiding behind a computer. Truth is, this is not cool, and whoever goes on here and is so hateful, ask yourself, would your president or head of your sorority approve of this? Is this a classy thing to be doing. It's obvious that desperate people are on here "self ranking". There is one sorority on here that gets notified when a review is made, and then they go on an give that same sorority all 1s. These girls need to stop feeling so out of control that maybe their sorority is NOT the best. Just concentrate on being positive and be a good person on the inside. These shallow comments are low and desperate. Take the high road girls...not cool.
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