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Not a mean person, just an elitist about the greek system and a little shallow... It seems to me you're likely a tridelt and a lot of tridelts can be pretty elitist too, which is not a bad thing in my opinion, tri delta is a great organization. What really irritates me is that I don't feel organizations like ZOE, OPS and now this new group have earned the right to wear letters. These organizations have no history whatsoever and were founded based on the fact they weren't able to get into SPA (in ZOE and OPS case). These girls pledged another sorority and believed they fit into it and when they didn't make the cut they decided to make their own group... They know nothing about being greek, even xi delts and nu sigs have longterm history and are respectable groups. Clearly our acceptance of OPS and ZOE has given gdi's the impression that if you can't get into a sorority just start your own or these groups wouldn't keep popping up, it's ridiculous. It affects all of us because these girls are around campus wearing letters and repping the greek community to future rush giving them the impression this is what we're like.
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