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What "Uh" said! I'd be very honest with yourself about whether or not you can really afford being in a sorority. It is a big financial commitment and if it's a constant source of stress for you during college, you will probably end up quitting before you graduate. As she said, not all houses offer payment plans and you will likely need to write a check for $1000-1500+ within a few weeks of pledging. Your new member fees will be due ASAP along with a big chunk of your fall dues. Will you ever be able to afford living in the house? You may pledge a house where that's mandatory, or not be able to hold a chapter leadership position if you can't afford to live in. Won't you be sad to not have a bunch of tshirts with your sorority letters on them? We are proud of our letters and love getting new tshirts each year! These can easily cost another $100-300/year. You will need to buy specific clothes and accessories to participate in Rush as an active. Will you be able to afford that on top of your dues? Will you be able to afford fines if you miss chapter events? Think long and hard before you potentially take a spot in a chapter where you won't be able to fulfill your 4-year commitment as a collegiate member.
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