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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Frats on the Rise/Fall IMO<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Frats on the Rise Delt | ΔΤΔ - Had a good pledge class this fall with many god social events and a good philanthropy. Lodge (Chi Psi) | ΧΨ - Slowly making their way up from Mid to bottom of lower top imo. Really good parties and guys are super nice. TDX | ΘΔΧ Delta Chi | ΔΧ KSig | ΚΣ - Grouping these 3 together all pretty good and have slowly made their way out of the bottom level of frats. All underated and have pretty good social schedules Frats on the Fall TKE | TKE - They always get an insane amount of people to rush but the vids of them getting exposed for roofing… very douchy guys too. Phi Delt | ΦΔΘ - The frat is fine but didn’t have a great PC this fall but maybe they could recover by having a solid spring PC this up coming round. Sammy | ΣΑΜ - Was overall slowly becoming less popular and now losing their house to KSig doesn't help their case at all.
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