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Im not saying what org im in, but im in one that has associated with shady before, and have heard about what is going on with the current pc. You join a chapter because you like the guys in it, not because of a pgp or because of who you mix with. Do you like them? Can you take them seriously? Are they like you? Ask yourself that Shady has a really nice house (Which I've heard you pledges actually have not been doing a good job at cleaning), and its in a good location too. A lot of other chapters comparable to shady (Phi delt, snu, tdx, beta, chi psi, etc.) have to worry about national rules associated with events, and alcohol that shady doesn't have to worry about, since shady is small nationally. Dropping will make it difficult to re rush, so be careful with doing it. Initiation for many frats is coming up soon, so act fast though. Hopefully those pros I gave help you. I have a lot of cons about shady too, but this isn't the place to share them.
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