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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Rankings/Tips for Freshman Guys Rushing<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Theres no definitive rankings, but there are groupings based on the social circles you’ll be hanging around. Each frat has its pros and cons here are the groups generally speaking. Top(in no order): SAE Fiji Sig Chi Zeta 828 Middle(in no order): Zbt, Delt, Sig ep Lower: The rest of the frats Tip: If your a guy go where you think you'll fit the most, do your best to try to visit at least all of the "top" ones and you'll most likely click with one. But at the end it doesn't matter where you are because you'll be your best self when you around a group that you like and feel comfortable with. All of these rankings change over time and thats why its also important to consider pledging a frat with a good freshman PC, because if you have a good PC that is liked and is organized you can “move up”. For example delt, fiji and 828 have moved up because they’ve had good PC’s the past couple of years. Or places like sig ep or sig chi have dropped a little bit in recent years due to having mediocre PCs. Last tip is obvious but dont just rush a place because they are top, I know a bunch of people that did that freshman year and ended up hating their frat/being hated by their frat. Just thought I’d give you newbie freshman some good senior advice✌🏼
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