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Kappa Delta is a fine organization with a long tradition in the south. The problem isn't KD coming to the campus- we NEED to grow the Greek system at UWF. The issue lies within its membership and those members behavior. And agreed, it has been less than acceptable since extending bids to their members. If you are not a member of this group, then your complaining about them publicly is just as bad as their deplorable behavior the last few months. Take care of your own issues in your own organization- because to be honest, none of us in the other chapters are perfect. Be true to your organization's values and do not stoop to their level to make a point. This is too small of a greek life system to continue to make enemies by lowering the standard of the whole system. The KD members will either get the hint and make an effort to clean up their act and act like good southern ladies, or they will be very lonely and essentially fail at this campus. It honestly is their choice.
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