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Let's go!

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1. ADPi 2. AXO 3. PhiSig 4. AGD 5. KD ADPI continues to rule the board only because they do the best to recruit and socialize on campus. Yes, they can be snooty at times, but that is typical with every sorority. AChiO did really well too, just need to be careful on turning their cheeks on certain types of women. PhiSig has improved soo well! I am glad that they have come much further than they have within the past year. Without a doubt the next couple of years they will be the sorority everyone wants to be in! AGD did a good job, not as expected though. Just "drafted" typical preppy college girls. KD got all of the rejects from formal recruitment. Not much to say about them. They really haven't done anything on campus and probably won't until Greek Week next fall.
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