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It could be good

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We have room for KD. The problem isn't that we aren't strong enough to have another chapter on campus- it is that we are too lazy and do not want the competition of a powerhouse sorority.(high GPA standards, southern roots, strong tradition and a reputation for sisterhood) Look the fact is, if we want to improve Greek Life at UWF we have to GROW it, we have the ability to do it, but we are settled into this lazy attitude and it is hurting us! There are problems on our campus for sure, but if we could actually work toward something bigger and better the whole system could be improved. There are somethings that could seriously help us. 1)The quality of girls this year is going to go to be stronger, everyone knows it. This alone is going to help Greek Life, i.e. stronger pledges, with higher GPAs to start. It is up to us to attract and retain these girls. 2)If a certain sorority on campus could really get themselves together, and start trying again, i.e.don't give up. 3) If Greek unity could be a top priority with both the sororities and fraternities 4)If we started to really ACT like sororities and fraternities and not "clubs"5) If we worked on our social schedules and made them stronger (homecoming presence, more real mixers) more interesting -- we would attract more members and raise the entire standards of the system. The addition of KD should not hurt us- it should make us work harder and improve.
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