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Poster Name:
Broken Soul

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />FREE MONEY (Girls Only)<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey guys, or should I say gals, I’ve been dealing with something lately and I am coming here for some support. My uncle who I was very tight with passed away not too long ago and his will gave me all of his inheritance. Because of this, I am flushed for cash, like stupidly wealthy rich, yet extremely lonely and sad all the time. I am looking for an open minded and well toned young lady who will spend some quality time with me to help me get over my lost uncle as I feel this would really help me out. I am willing to pay at a rate that we can discuss as well as throw in a little extra for a little extra if things go that way…wink wink. I’m just so sad all the time and have all this money laying around I really think this would help me out so much and I just have so much cash on hand. If you think you can help, remember open minded and well toned girls only please, please text me at 5085949929. Thanks for the support gals!
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