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Lol we are far too busy running our own rush events to stand outside other events to “steal” potential pledges. Our numbers speak for themselves and the fact that we are genuine when recruiting. We don’t go anywhere near the Panhels/UofT and the only time we were in the same general space as a non-panhel sorority was for our info session because KBG was also holding theirs in the Ryerson SLC. Further more during that time KBG had girls downstairs in letters directing girls they recruited and so did we and I see no issue with that, we didn’t take anyone that hadn’t already reached out to us with interest in joining our organization . I can promise you we really do not care or have any interest in making anyone look bad we believe in advocating for ourselves and replying to clarify our position on things. Once again if you have any concerns please feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram! 👍🏻
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