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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />the real reason why lambda says they're #1<br /><br /> Poster Message:
They're considered top because LA Times wrote an article endorsing the narrative that Lambda is the undisputed and only destination for "social relevancy" in other words unbeatable #1. But they also endorsed Hilary while writing statements she was undisputed top unbeatable candidate and were terribly wrong about this. So they have a losing record on endorsements. Better question, are we really falling for more Fake Polls and Fake News? Anyone who doesn't fall into the Fake Reality this site trys to create will realize their #1 ranking is truly up for debate. Especially coming from someone who has hung around them and gone to their events. Yes, they are definitely top tier, and have some fun guys, but I've been to better parties from other houses, and plenty of my girls who hold real convos away from here agree. I honestly like partying more with Sig Chi and SAE but thats just us personally. Not saying we wont go to a Lambda party, we just prefer other house's parties if we have options beyond them. Just don't let the media fool you like they've been trying to for a while again, maybe the editor is a Lambda? If you dont party much then Lambda probably is #1 for you, and that's fine. Partying isn't everyones scene!
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