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Yes but....

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It's not that it will HURT you, per se. In a top house and we've never said being skinny is a goal, nor have we cut a girl because she is explicitly overweight. However, you have to understand the way rush works. It's superficial on both ends. Almost all PNMs want the top chapters, even if they're a better fit somewhere else, because they tend to be put together and outgoing. And thus the top chapters more or less have their pick of the litter out of the hundreds, if not thousands, of available girls, and five minutes to make a decision. Not geared toward depth, if we're being honest. Certain spots have to go to legacies, and then of course everybody knows some girl from high school they were friends with so those slots are full too. So when you see the pledge classes, maybe half those slots were actually open. And so when you see the hundreds of girls fighting for those very few slots, the ones that are "complete package" tend to make it through, and the rest get cut NOT because we don't like them, but because we are told we only have 200 invites, 100 have to go to legacies/rec letters/high school friends, so you have to be pretty damn perfect. So yes, being shy, overweight, unstylish, bad grades, etc can hurt you in that it's one thing away from being that "perfect" PNM. But it's not necessarily insurmountable, nor is it that we "hate you". It's that everybody is fighting for the same chapters and we're given a huge # we HAVE to cut by Panhel Get letters of rec
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