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I’m shocked ya’ll think I’m an ADPi cause i was also one of the girls who thought i was gonna get ADPi but I didn’t. I literally called them out for preffing so many girls in the post??? They messed up, left so many girls with no bids because they felt like they were going to go ADPi so put no effort else where, but despite their pref mess up, they DID do good during the recruitment process with all their events and that’s why so many new memebers wanted them including myself. That’s why I said in my original post they did good BUT they should really drop girls earlier on maybe each recruitment round or something that way by pref not so many girls are led on.... I talked about the other houses ghosting cause thats what happened, three of the houses fell of the radar and said nothing aka ghosting. they didn’t explain when we were supposed to hear back by so we know if we’re going further or not. GPHI especially did amazing at not ghosting and I appreciated that a lot their team let the PNMs know when they got dropped which is why I didn’t call them out on that, and SK also didn’t ghost at the end, but they did in the middle. They just fell off the radar from some time but came back with a few events but like I said in my post, PNMs had moved on that had them as a first so that’s probably why they had the second smallest amount of new members. It was an honest review on ALL chapters, and I only mainly called out AXO and ZTA for ghosting because that’s what happened. AXO dropped after first meeting and told no one, and ZTA was so bad at responding to girls and didn’t let anyone know when they were dropped so a lot of girls thought they were still rushing them when in fact they weren’t so I’m not coming for everyone except ADPi I just said the truth to be helpful criticism for ALL chapters if we have to go through virtual in the spring. It’s truly not an attack, and this was the thoughts of myself and the girls I rushed with where some of us got left with no house, and a few got bids so there is no bias. I understand that the process is new and has flaws that’s why I made this post so we can learn from mistakes, isn’t the point of recruitment to make PNMs feel welcome?
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