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Poster Name:
sorority baby

Poster Message:
my pc likes a lot of different fraternity pc's on campus, including the usual sae, kappa sig, phi psi & sig chi, but we also really love the boys of zbt. no lie they have so many cute guys in this years pc & i think its safe to say that as long as they continue to be social with the upper tier sororities they will definitely move up in the rankings. we have only hung out with dchi, pi kapps, & lambda one time each, but we had fun with all 3 of them & already have pc parties planned with each of the 3 of them before the semester ends! i personally know a lot of guys in dchis pc & think they have the potential of moving up in the next couple of years (or at least stop from moving down) just as long as they dont turn into douchebags like a lot of the guys in their house do. the mean of the kappa sig pc are so incredibly nice but also so incredibly down go get messed up & i love it. a lot of good friends in this pc. ugh i'd stay here & talk about each pc if i wasnt so tired but im just gunna stop here imstead lol
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