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Poster Name:
DX President

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />DX Announcement<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hello everyone, DX members will be communicating over this site and using the discussion page in order to announce our chapter events, philanthropies, and mixers. As the top ranked fraternity on GreekRank, we want to take measures to ensure that we are engaging with the Greek Community in a publicly accountable way as we seek to change the culture of UNC Fraternities. If any sororities are interested in mixing, male-identifying students interested in rushing, organizations looking to do gender-inclusive philanthropy, or news organizations seeking comment from the top fraternity at UNC, please reach out to us on Insta @unc.dx or email me personally at As always, non-Greek members are welcome to rent rooms in our chapter house. Inclusively yours, Delta Chi
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