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Bloomsburg follows National Panhellenic (NPC) policy. Since Bloomsburg does not allow 1st semester freshmen to pledge, their formal (large) recruitment period is in the spring so, chapter total (average size between all 10 sororities) is reset at the beginning of fall semester after graduating seniors have left. Any chapters that are below the new total number are allowed to individually recruit new members up to that total number. This fall period is called Informal Recruitment. In the spring, every chapter is able to participate in formal (traditional) recruitment regardless of chapter size. There is no restriction on class standing for rushees- you must only have the minimum required GPA requirement. If individual chapters turn a candidate away because she is a junior they are foolish. The previous poster is correct, local sororities are required to follow NPC policy as long as they want to remain members of the college Panhellenic council. As chapters, they should want to raise their operational standards to meet NPC standards as well- Gretchen is learning about NPC policy. There have been several problems and mistakes that could have been avoided if she were appropriately trained and invested in the process.
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