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Hey, didnt realize this was a real pledge. Advice from a random guy - consider these things. How bad is it? Are a lot of them dbags or just a few? Do you have some really close friends in the house? Do other guys in your class feel the same way as you do? Where on the scale between goofy pranks and actual abuse is it? You have to weigh all those things and make the decision that is right for you. You might decide it sucks but you made some great friends and it's worth it to stay long term. That's ok. You might decide it is really bad and don't feel close to anyone - if you drop you will not be the first guy ever to do so. If you drop, UofI still has a great bar scene that anyone can enjoy. If you are a freshman you might consider joining a different house next year. The medium and smaller houses tend to have minimal hazing if any, and even if they do it is usually just goofy stuff. Guys in the smaller houses tend to be more low key but still have fun. Disclosure - I am an older guy in a smaller house, so I am biased. I honestly do think there are a lot of great guys in the bigger houses, but it is a matter of what kind of style fits you. Do what works for you. You will make the right decision.
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