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Dropped PSS

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I have never posted on this site before but I thought I would comment now because this seems like a legit question from a legit poster not just someone who is interested in sorority bashing. I dropped Phi Sigs because my recruitment experience with the girls was completely different than my actual pledge experience. I gave it some time and a lot of careful consideration and in the end it was the right choice for me. Not to brag but I am in a very competitive college at U of I and academics don’t seem important at Phi Sigs. Also, I was very popular and social in high school. A lot of these girls are awkward with low self-esteem and all of the drama and issues that go along with it. I am not a prude and believe me I like to party as much as the next girl but I witnessed some pretty hardcore stuff that was not cool at all. Finally, there are definite clicks and back stabbing, talking crap about each other, etc. was wide spread. It was like Jr. High all over again. Ladies, let’s build each other up! It was the right decision for me and I’ll try to rush again next year knowing more about each house and the girls in them. I have a lot of friends who pledged “higher” houses (whatever that means) and talking with them made me realize that what I was experiencing at PSS was not the norm. In fact it was down right weird. Thanks for listening. I hope this post helps someone. Who knows maybe it will help Phi Sigs!
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