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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />pnm's: what social probation means (read entire thing<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Tri delta is currently on social probation. In a post below some of you asked what that means and why. Basically being put on social probation by ones own nationals means that said sorority is on thin ice. They may have done something bad, or their nationals may just see them as not being a good representation of the values of their organization (its completely subjective). Either way, being on social probation means there can be no planned, or registered social events. This means tridelt can NOT have date events (such as semi formals, barn dance etc..) and can NOT have exchanges (themed pairing with frats). These girls are still allowed to go out to bars so if you are 19, it isn't as big of a deal. However, if you are a PNM looking to join a top house, definitely take this in to consideration as you will watch your friends who join DG, GPHI, THETA, etc.. getting dressed up in themes for exchanges twice a week, doing other socials with frats, and going to barn dances in the next month. In addition, if any sorority on social probation ignores nationals and doesn't comply with the social ban, they most likely will have their charter revoked (AKA they get kicked off). So, if you are interested in joining a top house, and are having a difficult time deciding how to order your houses for pref, definitely take this in to consideration.
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