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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />let's be real<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Greek life at Truman is wonderful! My experience with Greek life & the majority of Greeks I've spoken with love their organizations & the support it provides. I know it's a cliché, but we are all Greek together no mater the letters. We are an elite group of intelligent & socially adept students with a common goal. Yes, we have fun on the weekends (and some weekdays) but we also have strict academic standards. We're the leaders of Truman & often hold positions or are involved in numerous activities outside of Greek life. We should be proud of what we've accomplished. We can also rejoice in our numerous connections within our school and through our ambitious Greek alumni. With that said, we are declining at a steady rate along with the projected decrease in enrollment at Truman. We are selective with the individuals we allow into our brotherhoods/sisterhoods which can be unsettling for people outside of the greek system. Truman watches us closely and as a result (along with our personal high standards) hazing is unheard of in our organizations. We must remember that being on probation does not ruin a charter. In our time at Truman 2 members of our greek community were on probation for periods much longer and they too continue to strive while learning from their mistakes. It is an honor to be a member of Truman Greek life, a community that encourages, strengthens, and challenges its members to succeed.
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