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Doesn't matter if you know them all you just got to be close with a few so whoever you feel most comfortable with is who you will make friends with. I'm in a sorority and I'm really close with my family and five other girls which is always good for going out, grabbing food, and stuff. I'm also Good friends with a lot of other girls in it, but it's almost impossible to be friends with everyone. The only reason you wouldn't make close friends is if you joined the wrong sororities for the wrong reason. (Like if you want to go out more BC it's cool but you don't actually like going out) like trust me I went through rush and the places where I thought I wanted to go to were where I had just awkward conversations and I ended up realizing it's not about the stereotypes you hear it's about what you actually feel. I joined the one where I was most similar to the girls I talked to and we had conversations like we always knew Each other. And the other girls that ended up joining the sorority were girls just like me. So yeah long story short, don't listen to these people, you will be friends with people in your sorority, and you will become close with them if you choose one that is right for you. ;) I hope that made sense I haven't gotten sleep tonight so it might just sounds like a bunch of crap oops
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