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It depends on when things happen. If formal recruitment happens first, then the colonization, try it. But ask yourself what went wrong the last two times. Did you not engaged enough, not seem interested, were you shy? Etc. It's like a job interview, you have to be enthusiastic. Also, be prepared to answer why you didn't join before now, keeping in mind that some houses may remember you. Don't dwell on it. Say it didn't work out before but I really want to commit myself to a group and make a positive contribution. Remember that with some groups though, once cut = always cut. Be prepared to end up with the same result, or being cut completely though, if you go through with it. That could happen to a freshman too though. If you decide to pursue formal recruitment and it doesn't work out, then maybe try for the Alpha Xi Delta colony. It's not a back-up plan, but it will possibly be a second chance. Don't expect a guaranteed bid, because they are particular about the members they want for their colonies and will likely cut a lot of girls who do go for the colony. It's usually get to know you events and then formal interviews. Remember to look nice and make a good impression. Colonies are usually more accepting of Juniors to mimic the existing structure of groups and pledge classes. If they took all freshman, the whole chapter would graduate at once. Know how you want to get involved because colonies often look to older women to assume leadership roles. Good luck.
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