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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />third times a charm?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I'm a Junior who has gone out for recruitment for the past 2 years and have not be successfully matched either time. I was always left with one org and I sincerely tried to give them a chance but honestly couldn't see myself there. While I hope the reason I have yet to have success is because of the large numbers, which continue to rise every year, I can't help but think maybe I don't belong in any sorority which makes me sad bc it is the one thing I really wanted coming in to college and I love the idea of a sisterhood and would love to experience every aspect of a sorority. I would like advice from current girls in sororities, would it be dumb and look pathetic if I tried one more time to go through formal recruitment or should I just try Alpha Xi Delta (I know that isn't a guaranteed bid either)? I really want to try a third time just for a final hurrah but I don't want to look pathetic or be seen as a "sad case" because I've tried twice already. Please honest advice would be helpful but please try not to be harsh. Thanks :)
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