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this is probably the realest post on greek rank. i want to add that if ur a PNM, recruitment and going through the new member process is super different from actually being a member. u really get to see the sorority's true colors and its problems once ur an initiated member and have been in it for like a year. my advice is that if you accept your bid, talk to older members and get their honest opinions about things BEFORE you get initiated. the quality of greek life at tcnj has been on a decline ever since the pandemic hit so all sororities are kinda in a weird place right now, but most sororities want to improve themselves and with recruitment being in person again you'll probably be a part of a good pledge class with girls that want to fix things. if the older members you talk to have a lot of negative things to say and your pledge class isn't interested in improving things, definitely drop the sorority. i'm part of a sorority that seemed fine at first but after being in it for a couple years now, there's so many problems that need fixing and these girls have just given up and don't care. if i knew my sorority would be like this i would have never joined, so don't make my mistake.
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