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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />OKX customer support number 1–856610–4164<br /><br /> Poster Message:
OKX customer support number 1–856610–4164 OKX is now an actual multi-chain wallet supporting EVM and non-EVM chains. New chains will be supported along the way. This allows customers to access DApps on different chains without switching wallets. Currently, the OKX Web3 wallet supports 37 chains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, OKC, Solana, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Tron, Arbitrum, etc. OKX Wallet saves you a lot of trouble by automatically switching networks. The OKX wallet has a built-in DEX that works across multiple networks and NFT marketplaces that aggregate orders from OpenSea, X2Y2, and LookRare and support NFT analysis. In this all-in-one hub, you can easily explore more than 1,000 DApp protocols.
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