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Poster Name:
Gen z

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Out of touch alum stop picking recruitment outfits<br /><br /> Poster Message:
There is no way the actives in these houses are the ones picking skinny jeans and over the knee boots/riding boots or making everyone dig up their old Gucci belts from 2017. To the alum helping with recruitment, please defer to the actives for outfit choices!!!!!! The only one I saw that I liked was the house who wore the mom jean and heal combo (forget which house that was). Next recruitment please do some cute flare jeans and booties (pi phi would look so much cuter if they all had maroon flare jeans with booties instead of maroon skinny jeans and riding boots), or do mom/boyfriend/straight leg jeans + clean white sneakers (maybe Air Force ones) for the more casual first day look (which I know is also very basic….but it is worlds better than looking outdated on top of being basic) The looks were serving mid to late 2010s and I just know they were picked from some elder millennial alum.
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