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DPhiE cont: most philanthropic by far and involved on campus. mostly seem very sweet and down to earth! if we had tiers, I would definitely put them in the top middle. Love ANAD awareness week and CF fundraising!!! Those sticky notes in the girls bathroom during ANAD awareness week always leave me smiling! DZ: I have personally had only good experiences with DZ girls HOWEVER I know from my friends in DZ that their sisterhood is very very lacking. Most seem to hate each other and their chapter is full of drama. Some of my friends in DZ have considered dropping out. Definitely the best looking girls on campus but that may be the only thing they have going for them as a whole. Their philanthropy is almost non existent in my experience. PhiSig: this one is strange for me as one of my closest friends is in their newest class, and I have other friends in PhiSig in different classes. As a whole though, they are my least favorite. They always appear to be stuck up and believe they basically own the men of a certain frat. definitely not the most attractive, but there are a handful of smokeshows. Seem to be "girlfriend" material considering how many frat boys have PhiSig girlfriends. Obliviously the most intelligent, but unfortunately they are just so in your face about it. Love their grilled cheese nights though!! Some friends have considered dropping due to the cattiness of their girls. Probably top tier by default, I just wish they weren't so stuck up about it :/
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