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Honest frat rank

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Rank for rush / advice<br /><br /> Poster Message:
1. KDR 2.ATO/SAMMY/PI LAM - all three r fun gotta go to rush events to see where who u vibe with most ! 3. Dchi - new but came out strong, never been but heard parties r fun 4. pikapp - smart dudes, party’s r fun but meh 5. AKL - May be “dorkier” but still throw bangers, got a dope basement. they had a formal on a boat which looked lit. Temple is different from other bigger schools bc all the frats tend to be tough to put in “tiers.” You really gotta go see who u vibe with most and go there for th best experience, but wherever u end up joining a frat is a move. Best part is that they also don’t give af who u were in high school (all of them) so if u were not the most popular kid get out of ur comfort zone and still rush
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