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Zone Nights: 3 days near the very beginning of the semester. Try to go to as many as possible to get an idea of the ones you like Open Events: 2-3 events over the next week or week and a half. You need to begin narrowing down your houses at this point. Continue to keep an open mind, but don't spread yourself out too thin and fail to make an impression. Everyone can find out about these and is welcome to show up. You'll probably be told about these at zone night or contacted later. Closed Events: Final 4-7 days give or take of rushing. If the brother's like what they see in you from the open events, you'll be invited back to closed events. These are invite only. By this time you should have a short list of houses you are interested in. This is where you separate yourself from the pack and prove you deserve a bid. Bids: Rush is over on a Sunday. Most houses finalize bids that night and they're officially sent out on Tuesday. A couple guys will show up at your door and give you the bid. You have until Thursday to accept. This is how my house handles it and generally how most other houses do as well. In all its about a 2 week process. A few words of advice: -Be confident but don't come off as a douche. This is the easiest way to not get invited back -Although you can get a general idea of how things work from this website, try to ignore it during rush and form your own opinions. -It's important look at the brother's and ask yourself if you think you'll fit in.
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