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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />fall '17 rush<br /><br /> Poster Message:
SAE/DCHI/Pi Lam: All very different. Spring PC for SAE was a pretty random assortment of athletes, FLIDS, and a few herbs, but a good mix in general. Essentially all from LI. Spring DCHI is from all over NY, lots of Persians and kids that really came out of no where when bid day came along. Some really cool kids, but theres def lame kids in there too. Pi Lam is all FLIDS, pretty much no variation in the general categorization of kids APEs: Either kids that didnt rush the top three or got negged. the negs are herbs but the other kids seem cool. Girls like em Zeta Psi: Honestly know nothing about the new pc but i think they belong at this spot. gotta mention the hot tub they have i guess lol Pike: not usually up this high but they got a good group of guys in the Spring. Not very crazy but very normal and cool in general Tep: Spring full of herbs but i guess they belong here Alpha Sig: Bold spotting here, especially since they cant mix rn, but cool spring PC Kappa Sig: PC seems alright for what a kappa sig pc can be Phi Psi / TDX: pretty sure both PCs were less than 6 kids...bad stuff. Phi Psi's few kids are better than TDX's if that means anything, though. Phi Psi would usually be up higher but idk where the future's headed with em. Could be wrong, who knows. the rest are legitimately irrelevant
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