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Times change, ?Really?. I concede that my information dates back to my own greek life experience and that goes back quite some time. Let?s just say that historically and at a national level there was a top-5 who stood out and were trend setters, followed by a majority of solid middle tier houses who may not have been innovative but were very spirited, and then an assortment of smaller houses who had their own unique identities based primarily on their location and their sole focus on the collegiate experience. Every house has a history, but what?s amazing to me is how every pledge class has the power to make an impact. Potential new members have a lot to consider. Current members are driven to influence you, but my advice is to choose a house based on who is in your incoming class as those bonds will very likely last the longest ? take a good look at whose going into the final round with you, feel a connection and hopefully head into a house together.
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